

Josh Woodger is a certified Massage Therapist with 21 years dedicated to athletic training and lifting performance. Josh has competed or trained in powerlifting, football, jiu-jitsu, and wrestling.

Josh limits his use of these manual therapy techniques to the scope of practice of massage therapy.


Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork - 2022

Nationally Certified in Sports Massage - 2022

Society of Weight Lifting Injury Specialists - 2022 Convention Attendee

Continuing Education.

Pediatrics I and II

PSNS 1 Overview

Osteopathic Medical Sciences III and IV

Pelvis in Gait

Visceral Manipulation I and IV

Visceral Mobilization II and III

Scapular - Thoracic Upper Extremity

Myalgia Patients

Advanced Neuro Dynamics: Combined Chapmans, Bennetts, Potter treatment

Cranial Sacral 1

Josh has a strong love of powerlifting and one of the most famous power lifting gyms is Westside Barbell in Dayton, Ohio. Their logo has a bull breed on it. When Josh got his first bulldog, he named her Lou, after the legendary owner and coach, Louie Simmons.

Bulldogs are often associated with traits such as strength, determination, and a distinct appearance. They are commonly recognized for their muscular build and also their tenacity and courage. Josh may have been compared to a bulldog once or twice. But bulldogs are also friendly, loyal and can be gentle - applying just the right amount of pressure that the situation calls for. Bulldog Manual Therapy hopes to alleviate your pain so that you can improve your strength and performance and get a little bulldog fight back in you.

Why the name Bulldog Manual Therapy?